I'm very aware that this website makes me sound somewhat of a "hard-ass" but in reality, I'm a very nice, gentle woman running a unique, sometimes controversial but always popular service and as non-judgmental as they come.
I'm very sensitive to a man's needs whether he's less experienced looking to improve that or just nervous and a little unsure of himself. I also enjoy telling jokes from time to time (even though I may not always be very good at it). I'm impressed by any man who can make me laugh so if you have some jokes to share, please do. Laughter is my drug of choice.
I never judge a guest's personal life. Those who visit me may be married, divorced or widowers, single, or in-between relationships in need of some female touch. Some simply have no time for a girlfriend but value having a trusted, no-strings professional to play with from time to time. Many are just looking for a friendly, very well-put-together white woman closer to their own age. I'm also a very safe and welcoming place for the transsexual, transvestite or crossdresser just looking for acceptance.
For about the price of a nice meal for 2 at The Keg, I'm perfect for those who've been misled in the past. Most are looking for a predictable, safe professional to spice up their life on occasion without the drama. Others are trapped in a personal relationship that for whatever reason isn’t quite meeting their needs. Of course, let's not forget the "hooker-hobbyist" who spends his day trolling local review boards to post his opinion of his latest experience (and that's ok too).
Then there are the few who see me as a confidant to share thoughts with when those closer to them make little effort to listen or understand.
Psychologists and sex therapists repeatedly report that married men tend to visit sex-workers to PRESERVE their marriage, not leave it. Regardless, there are many reasons good honorable men spend time with me. I'm a trusted, part-time playmate with whom they can enjoy an occasional, discreet, adventurous romp without any threat to their otherwise happy lifestyle.
I enjoy people from all walks of life who are in control of their time (i.e. mostly middle-class guys, retired seniors, skilled tradesmen and sales professionals. I'm also popular with accountants, lawyers, engineers, doctors, commercial pilots, firefighters, military men, investment brokers, contractors, business owners/executives, as well as the odd retired pro athlete or celebrity).
I retired from a career in skin care into a quiet, comfortable lifestyle around 2009. However, when my husband died about 5 years later, I sold the big house, invested a pile of money for additional income and eventually got into this business in 2019 as a hobby.
Being a very sexual woman with a friendly, social personality, this hobby is a pretty good fit. I have no moral issues with my lifestyle choices. I like visiting with and getting to know interesting people and I also like being able to send them on their way when play-time is over. I'm STD/Drug free and VERY careful to keep it that way. Sociable and courteous men are welcome to join me for an "Afternoon Delight" whenever I'm available.
(Continued below...)
Healthy men want and need physical touch and good sex. The 4 basics of sex are "oral", "vaginal", "anal" and "hands". If one or more are missing, frustration and resentment builds.
Most normal women will occasionally trade sex for something they want in one form or another, whether they admit it or not. That’s the way the world has worked for thousands of years. I'm just straight up about it. The only variables are the value of the goods traded and how the trade takes place.
The worldly man has learned that when it comes to expensive playthings, "if it flies, floats or fucks", it's often much cheaper to rent or lease than it is to buy, particularly if the novelty later wears off. That's why I'm here. There are many good men out there with expensive toys or girlfriends who have learned that the hard way.
For some, recreational sex is no more exciting than Burger King. For others, it can be a 4 or 5-star white table-linen event. Atmosphere and how it's served, the trimmings that come with it and the attention to detail can often make a difference.
Candidly speaking, I'm a high-quality sex-worker, trusted part-time confidant, professional cocksucker and enthusiastic anal-queen that the average middle-class man can afford.
Let me cut to the chase if you haven't already figured it out. I enjoy meeting nice, well-behaved men of all ages. I like getting laid. I like sucking dick. I like getting it in the ass. I like the feel of a pulsing dick as it cums. I like watching a man jerk off a big load for me. I like getting paid to play. And I love being able to send them home when playtime is over. What more could you want in a playmate?
Notwithstanding some alone time with free online porn and one of the "palm sisters", there are only 3 ways men can get their basic human need met.
An honourable man can earn it in an unspoken (but mutually respectful) trade through the long-term integrity of his behaviour between himself and another within a meaningful personal relationship..., or he can simply rent it through the strength of his wallet supported by a respectful and predictable business relationship. Many consider paying for the services of a sex-worker as little more than an affluent form of masturbation. Either way works just fine for me.
A dishonourable man however will try to steal it through deception, coercion, intimidation or force. (Which by the way is what created the "me-too movement" and why Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly lost their jobs at Fox News and why Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby went to prison and why the British Secret Service or CIA, or both, may have assisted in Jeffery Epstein's "suicide".)
My interest is solely on a business relationship. I am not a gold-digger in need of a sugar-daddy, nor do I date or otherwise socialize with guests (past, present or potential). It only leads to unwanted drama and never, ever ends well so don't ask. You'll only be rejected, and nobody likes being rejected.
When choosing an outside playmate, also consider the following...
Many mental health professionals would argue that the sex industry is an "essential service" no different than many other social services. Unfortunately, in this country, it's also completely unregulated. The hard truth in Canada is that most who advertise on LeoList are unreliable opportunists rather than professional business people and it can be difficult to find one who is.
Notwithstanding that many of the young Asian girls, most of whom don't speak English, are being trafficked by organized crime and may or may not be disease-free, the sex industry is also heavily populated by amateurs, transients, rip-off artists, unhealthy drug addicts and those who live a ghetto lifestyle.
Many discover sooner or later that not all providers are as advertised (stale or fake photos / 50-60+ lbs. heavier / exaggerated claims / unappealing location / etc.). It's not uncommon for the woman answering the door to be different from the one in the ad. And if she's offering it for free, she's trolling for morons.
If her place looks like it hasn't seen a vacuum in a couple years, has dirty dishes in the kitchen along with boxes, containers and clothes strewn about the floor or her bathroom is a mess, it's unlikely her personal hygiene is any better. If it's unfurnished or she doesn't speak English, she's likely being trafficked and you do not want to be there if immigration knocks on the door. If she works out of a hotel/motel, you risk getting mugged by someone hiding in the room with nobody to tell.
If you arrange "Outcalls" to your home or hotel room, you risk getting drugged and robbed. (Google "Jessica Kane - BC Escort" for the latest published example of that risk. Most who get drugged or mugged do not report it. After an experience like that, most just want to walk away more or less intact with as little publicity as possible.)
On the other hand, there are also men out there who are actively looking for a heroin-honey/crackhead/meth-addict they can mistreat in the hopes that she really needs the money, or a party-girl or cum-dumpster willing to trade sex for drugs.
BE AWARE - Although she's not hard to find on LeoList - I'M NOT HER!!
Misbehave and you can expect to get cut off at the knees. Be the best you can be and we'll both have fun.
Just my thoughts.
(That's pretty much everything I have to say. It's not complicated - just my version of commonsense. Enjoy the pics)